Going the Distance: A Reflection on 36 Years in Education
In addition to these words of perspective and encouragement, you can hear Renee’s advice to teachers and administrators facing accreditation in this episode in the Curriculum Trak Teacher’s Lounge. When I started teaching, we used a ditto machine to churn out...How Many Times Per Week Should You Offer PE/Health Class?
While working with schools nationwide, I am often asked how often they should have PE/health class at their school. And they are often surprised by my answer because it causes them to reflect not just on the frequency of their health education program but also on the...Interview with Ashton Tate, F.O.R.M. Curriculum for Health and Physical Education
Blog, Curriculum Development, Educator Insights, Encouragement, Philosophy, Podcast, The Teacher's Lounge | April 26, 2023
Today we are happy to include part of an interview with Ashton Tate from The Teacher’s Lounge podcast. Ashton is from Franklin, Tennessee, and he’s the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness and creator of the F.O.R.M. Curriculum. He joins us to talk to us...
Interview with Dr. Mark Eckel, part 3
Biblical Integration, Blog, Educator Insights, Encouragement, Faith Learning, Spiritual Formation, The Teacher's Lounge | February 22, 2023
Here is the third and final installment of the transcript of our recent interview with Dr. Mark Eckel. This transcript is shortened here, but you can listen to the full interview at The Teacher’s Lounge. Michael Arnold: Dr. Eckel, you have just an abundance of...