We recently added some additional reporting options for the Lesson Planning feature within Curriculum Trak. These reports were mostly for administrative use. Thanks to feedback from users, we have made a minor adjustment that we believe will provide even more benefits...
Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference. Today, we are happy to announce a small change that could be quite powerful for schools in the midst of a standards review and adoption process. We have added a keyword search tool to the Available...
Schools using the Curriculum Trak Lesson Planner have been asking for the power of the unit planning reports to extend to the lesson planner feature as well. And, we listened! Today, we are happy to report that if you are using the lesson planner, curriculum admins in...
Our newly enhanced Course Information feature is a helpful feature for tracking even more details about your mapped courses. When you think about the purposes for mapping – articulating curriculum, preserving legacy, organizing course information, etc. –...
Often, textbooks and the primary resources of a particular class represent a major investment for a school. So, it makes sense to include this in your mapped curriculum information. One of Curriculum Trak’s most recent enhancements allows teachers, curriculum...
The Curriculum Mapping Progress Report is a quick way to see which courses contain content, and how much content each course contains. In this report, by default, all of your courses from a single template will be listed with a color coding indicating the amount of...