An Educator’s Place on the Ladder (Part 1, For the Educator)
Genesis 28: 12-16 (NIV) “He (Jacob) had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the Lord, and he said: ‘I am the Lord, the God of your...When Life Seems Unfair
Biblical Integration, Blog, Character Development, Encouragement, Reflection, Spiritual Formation | March 15, 2024
Next week in class, I am looking forward to teaching my first graders the story of Joseph (found in Genesis 39 and 40). This is one of my favorite stories. It is a page-turning narrative that reads better than any novel on the bestseller list. It is a true story that...
Take a Minute to Think
The musical Fiddler on the Roof is a favorite of mine. It tells the story of a Jewish family living in Imperial Russia in the 1900s. The main character, Tevye, is a poor milkman who dreams of giving his family a rich life and successful marriages for his five...The Educator as Delighter in “Great Things” (Part 2 – In the Classroom)
Announcements, Biblical Integration, Blog, Classroom Culture, Discipleship, Faith Learning, Reflection, Spiritual Formation | January 23, 2024
Psalm 8 Psalm 108 (NIV) Psalm 19: 1-4 (NIV) “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard....
A Thrill of Hope
Blog, Character Development, Educator Insights, Encouragement, Reflection, Spiritual Formation | December 21, 2023
I love the Christmas season. I always have. I took my family to a local Christmas tree farm to cut down our own tree this year. Any other time of year the errand would’ve seemed a nightmare. Who wants to stand out in the cold looking over a bunch of evergreens trying...