Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference. Today, we are happy to announce a small change that could be quite powerful for schools in the midst of a standards review and adoption process. We have added a keyword search tool to the Available Standards Listing as an additional filter option.
In the Standards/Benchmarks area of your account, you will find the “Available Standards Listing” option. This is a listing of all of the standards sets currently available for inclusion in your Curriculum Trak account (others can be created by request). As we prepare standards sets requested by schools, we make those available for any school to review and even adopt as their own within their Curriculum Trak account. Any Curriculum Trak user has the option to search these by program and/or type. Then, they can also click the “view” button to see any specific set as they consider how those standards might impact their own planning and instruction. Now, we have added the option to filter these standards sets even more specifically by key word or phrase.
In addition to assisting school leaders and teachers as they comb through the ever-growing list of available standards, we see this keyword tool providing several additional perks. A keyword or phrase search can assist a curriculum director in their quest for a specific set of standards that would best support a newly adopted elective or a strand of courses that lies a little outside of the traditional instruction. The keyword search can help you find a set of standards that focuses on specific outcomes or provides a framework for a specific set of skills. Or perhaps a school wonders what specific set of standards their primary textbook resources are aligned to. If the publisher does not specifically provide that information, it can be nearly impossible to figure out. A keyword or phrase search may point you in the right direction. If you are a school considering the adoption of one of several different state standards, you may be concerned about how well each supports a specific topic. The keyword search can assist you in that granular comparison.
By searching a keyword or phrase as an additional filtering option, we believe you will be able to zero in on what meets your needs even more quickly. We invite you to take a look at this enhancement today and consider how it might serve your school. Contact support if you have any questions or concerns.